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Today's question is:
What is a book you didn’t like that all your friends raved about or what book did you love that wasn’t popular?
Okay... please do not send me hate emails or comments because of my answer. I know that I stand alone in my answer and I am fine with that. I did not like The Hunger Game Series!
There I said it, will you follow me just the same?
::: giggle ::::
Can't wait to see how you all answer this question.
P.S. If you end up liking my page please let me know in a comment so I can make sure to head over to your blog ASAP to return the favor
Until next time... Happy Reading!
I loved the Hunger Games Trilogy. Mockingjay fell below my expectations, though. But the first two books were great. Well, I agree with the saying, "one man's food is another man's poison." We all can't like the same thing.
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My FF @ The Creative Forum
Happy Reading! :)
I wasn't into the series either, the movie was alright though.New Follower :)
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Jackie @Jackie's Book World
I didn't like The Hunger Games either. I just understand all the hype for it.
New GFC Follower: kassandralopez32
I completely had the opposite feelings about the Hunger Games. I loved it! Sure Mockingjay was a little different and below the high standards, but after finishing the books I was completely obsessed ;) But of course to each their own ;)
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Have a wonderful weekend :)
Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy
Ahh, The Hunger Games series. I loved the first one. The second was OKAY. The third one... awful. I couldn't even go see the movies.
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Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Thanks for stopping by - happy to return the follow.
You can check out my answer here
Don't worry i don't care for the hunger games either :)
new follower
You have such a cute blog! Love your rating system. xD I have to side with the majority on the Hunger Games though. I loved the first two books in the series, and although Mockingjay wasn't as good as the first two, I still loved it all the same.
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Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn
Hopping through. I did really enjoy The Hunger Games series, but I didn't like the last book in the trilogy.
My Hop
I like Hunger Games.. Catching Fire was my favorite... The ending to me was kind of disappointing though!
I love your blog!
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My F&F
Hunger Games was one of my favorite all time series books. No offense, but I don't get how you didn't like it. lol. New GFC Follower. Thanks for sharing and visiting my FF. =]
OHHH you broke my heart:( that's ok I am one that understands everyones taste are different:) Have a great weekend too thanks for stopping by I am following Back GFC
My FF Krista@KristaReads
New follower!
I liked the Hunger Games ok, but my complaint over the hype over it all has always been... "Haven't any of you ever heard of Battle Royale??"
It took me for.ev.er. to get around to reading the Hunger Games. And I loved the first one, probably because I had never read anything like it before. Then the shiny wore off. Eh.
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I loved the first two books, but the third... don't get me started. LOL.
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Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros
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